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Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work ?
Acupuncture regulates the flow of qi (Energy) around the body through pathways called meridians. In recent years medical scientists have discovered myofascial pathways that follow the meridians recorded by the early acupuncturists, and the concept of qi itself may overlap with developing knowledge of how cells in the body communicate.


What is the evidence?
Evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness is growing as researchers evaluate the best ways to measure how the body responds to it. To date the focus has been on pain management. Around the world, clinical studies are being conducted to understand how acupuncture can be beneficial for many more conditions.


What happens when I come for a treatment?
On your first visit I will take a complete medical history, take your pulses on both wrists, look at your tongue and use palpation where necessary. My treatment plan will take your lifestyle and general health into consideration.

Most points will be located on the lower arms and legs, although it is sometimes necessary to access other area’s on the body. A gown is provided, although wearing loose fitting clothing helps.


What does it feel like?
Acupuncture needles are so fine, that often you don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache, as i adjust the needles to direct Qi. Many people feel deeply relaxed during treatment.


Is it safe?
The needles used are single-use, sterile and disposable. Two research studies conducted in 2011 and 2012 concluded that when practiced by properly trained and qualified traditional acupuncturists, the risk of adverse events from acupuncture is extremely low.


How many sessions will I need?
4-6 weekly treatments are normal to begin with, before  being able to reduce the frequency in visits as your body responds. Occasionally just 1-3 treatments are enough.  Progress will be monitored throughout the treatments.


Are there any side effects?
Sometimes a small bruise can appear at a needle site. Occasionally, people can feel dizzy or tired after a treatment but this passes quickly. I recommend you don’t have acupuncture on an empty stomach.


Should I inform my doctor?
If you have been prescribed medication we recommend you tell your doctor that you plan to have acupuncture. Do not stop taking your medication. You should tell your acupuncturist about any medication and supplements you are taking. Fully qualified and accredited acupuncturists are trained to recognize potentially serious underlying health conditions and will refer you to your GP if they consider it appropriate.


Will my health insurance pay for acupuncture?

Some health insurance policies cover the cost of treatments with a Acupuncture Society

( MAcS) registered acupuncturists. Please check with your Insurance Company directly.

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